Monday, August 8, 2011

1300 Somalian Refugees a Day...

1300 Somalian Refuges are traveling to Kenya a day to find food at refugee camps. They travel in spite of the danger of militant leaders that are killing their people and aid workers coming to help. A man says he once had a large farm of goats and food that hasn't received rain in 4 years....

It doesn't really seem possible to not have rain for 4 years...Especially after the downpour of rain we've experienced these past few months. How do you live when it hasn't rained for so long?

The camps receiving the refugees are already 4 times capacity and in dire need of more support as they take care of their neighbors (talk about the good samaritans...)

Here's how we're making a difference...budgeting. Saving grocery money to feed those that are starving. It's a simple - cut your grocery costs and send the rest to help starving people. This week, I had enough meat in the freezer to last and didn't buy any far I've cut back $85 for the week...I will hold off on sending all of it to World Vision because I may have to replenish some meat in the freezer next week...however I feel like I'm on the right track and keeping my family healthy at the same time.

Another way to help is fasting a meal, and sending the money you save to a worthy cause. Save the Children had a Fastathon today and had people 1) tell others what they were doing and/or 2) request support from friends and family for the fast. This not only got more people involved in supporting the fast but educated others on what is happening in Somalia and the Horn of Africa. Easy way to serve your world and be a good neighbor (all the way from your living room!)

I won't be fasting, because I have a little bun in the oven; but I can still cut costs and get all the food & nutrition I need... This week i used Trader Joe's as a way to cut costs. I will be learning other methods as well, such as meal planning, coupons, gardening, and any other ideas that come my way. I'm excited to see this adventure already heading in the right direction. So many ways to cut costs and help others. It really is worth it...

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